Add New England Charm to Your Living Space

Whether you reside in Massachusetts, or it’s just one of your favorite places to visit, you should be familiar with its charm. How can you transform your home into a cozy New England retreat? It is undoubtedly easier than you may think, to recreate the region’s distinctive style. A few well-chosen accessories and a matched color theme with your furniture covers will do the trick.

Coastal Elegance

When in New England, Cape Cod is a popular destination, and you can add that seaside look with organic cotton Ikea covers from the online retailer Bemz. Their stylish range of Ikea covers are available in numerous colors and fabrics, including Real Teal, reminiscent of a nautical theme. Striped patterns paired with natural wood will evoke that breezy, yet calm feel of New England’s coastal towns.

Seasonal Changes

Massachusetts and New England are famous for their distinct seasons, and your home decor can reflect these changes. As the Ikea covers from Bemz are very affordable, you could have a variety of covers for your sofa, according to the time of the year. Imagine bright, floral patterns for spring and summer, and warm, cozy materials for fall and winter. You can switch up your living space to match the seasonal changes.

Rustic Charm

Adopt the rustic beauty of the Berkshires with Ikea covers in muted, earthy colors and natural fabrics. Combine these with rustic wooden furniture, vintage accessories, and plenty of indoor plants to create a relaxing, nature-inspired retreat.

Enjoy your very own New England home!


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